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 Physiology MCQ exam - 100 MCQs physiology questions with their answers

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عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

Physiology MCQ exam - 100 MCQs physiology questions with their answers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Physiology MCQ exam - 100 MCQs physiology questions with their answers   Physiology MCQ exam - 100 MCQs physiology questions with their answers Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 05, 2010 8:11 am

Physiology MCQ Exam

1. Which of the following typically occurs within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy?
a. back pain
b. constipation
c. morning sickness
d. heartburn

2. The glomerulus receives its blood from ____ and is drained by ____.
a. efferent arterioles, interlobular arteries
b. efferent arterioles, afferent arterioles
c. interlobular arteries, afferent arterioles
d. afferent arterioles, efferent arterioles

3. Anatomical position is best described as
a. there is no such thing because we move constantly
b. body erect, feet parallel, arms at rest with palms forward
c. body erect, feet parallel, arms at rest, hands relaxed, thumbs nearest thighs
d. body prone, feet parallel, arms at rest with palms forward

4. The final step in the clotting of blood is the conversion of
a. prothrombin to thrombin
b. prothrombin activator to thrombin
c. fibrin to fibrinogen
d. fibrinogen to fibrin

5. Myasthenia gravis is characterized by
a. too little acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction
b. enlargement of muscles because of connective tissue deposition
c. a shortage of acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular junctions
d. occurring exclusively in males

6. Micturition is best defined as
a. emptying the bladder
b. drinking water
c. passing a kidney stone
d. retaining urine

7. Blood flows from the right ventricle into the
a. superior vena cava
b. right atrium
c. coronary artery
d. pulmonary trunk

8. The division between the oral and nasal cavities is the
a. hyoid
b. conchae
c. septum
d. palate

9. In each case, the hormone listed is correctly paired with a condition associated with hypersecretion or hyposecretion of the hormone except
a. growth hormone - myxedema
b. antidiuretic hormone - diabetes insipidus
c. parathyroid hormone - tetany
d. insulin - diabetes mellitus

10. In a vasectomy the
a. uterine tube is cauterized
b. vas deferens is cauterized
c. epididymis is cauterized
d. fallopian tube is cauterized

11. The correct pathway of impulses through the conducting system of the heart is
a. SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
b. AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers, bundle branches, SA node
c. Purkinje fibers, AV node, bundle branches, SA node, AV bundle
d. SA node, AV node, Purkinje fibers, bundle branches, AV bundle

12. The negative effects of using anabolic steroids for increasing muscle mass include all but
a. increased psychiatric problems
b. enhanced cardiovascular function
c. liver damage
d. decreased fertility

13. Which of the following cell types is part of the body’️s nonspecific defenses against invading pathogens?
a. phagocytes
b. cytotoxic T cells
c. B cells
d. helper T cells

14. Fertilization typically occurs in the
a. ovaries
b. fallopian tubes
c. vagina
d. urethra

15. The release of hormones by the anterior pituitary is controlled by
a. releasing and inhibiting hormones from the hypothalamus
b. direct neural stimulation of the hypothalamus
c. cyclic AMP from the hypothalamus
d. the posterior pituitary

16. Which of the following is NOT a major component found in the fluid secreted by the seminal vesicle?
a. prostaglandins
b. fructose
c. vitamin C
d. testosterone

17. A midsagittal plane divides the body into
a. upper and lower halves
b. anterior and posterior halves
c. equal left and right halves
d. trunk and extremities

18. The _______ layer of the alimentary canal contains blood vessels, nerve endings, and lymphatic vessels.
a. submucosa
b. muscularis externa
c. serosa
d. mucosa

19. Which of these is true about homeostasis?
a. the cardiovascular and endocrine systems are the most important in maintaining it
b. metabolism plays a large role in maintaining it
c. the nervous and endocrine systems are the main control systems for maintaining it
d. it mostly involves positive feedback mechanisms

20. The ______ is an accessory organ for digestion.
a. liver
b. esophagus
c. small intestine
d. spleen

21. Which is normally the least numerous leukocyte?
a. lymphocyte
b. eosinophil
c. monocyte
d. basophil

22. ADH travels in the blood to its main target, the
a. hypothalamus
b. pituitary
c. collecting ducts
d. renal cortex

23. The area of the bladder that contains the openings to the ureters and the urethra is the
a. urachus
b. glomerulus
c. trigone
d. urogenital diaphragm

24. Which of the following is least likely to cause birth defects?
a. nicotine
b. sedatives
c. alcohol
d. folic acid

25. The system which is used for protection, blood formation and which stores minerals is the
a. skeletal system
b. muscular system
c. immune system
d. lymphatic system

26. TSH
a. is a precursor to thyroxine
b. is manufactured by cells of the hypothalamus
c. has its most noticeable effect on the hypothalamus
d. stimulates thyroid follicles to release thyroxine

27. In anatomical position, the hand has been
a. rotated
b. supinated
c. pronated
d. everted

28. Which of the following endocrine glands secretes a hormone that is regulated by a humoral stimulus?
a. thyroid follicles
b. adrenal medulla
c. parathyroid glands
d. middle cortical layer of adrenal cortex

29. Platelets are small, irregular pieces of cytoplasm formed by the fragmentation of which cell type?
a. agranulocyte
b. hemocytoblast
c. megakaryocyte
d. granulocyte

30. Which of the following is a congenital immune system disorder characterized by a marked deficiency of B and T cells?
b. MS
d. SLE

31. The passage of white blood cells through intact blood vessels into the tissues is termed
a. leukocytosis
b. leukopenia
c. hematopoiesis
d. diapedesis

32. An illness is the result of
a. positive feedback
b. negative feedback
c. homeostatic imbalance
d. metabolism

33. The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is
a. androgen
b. FSH
c. estrogen
d. progesterone

34. Coronary arteries
a. are branches of the pulmonary trunk
b. take blood to the tissues of the lungs
c. have valves, unlike other arteries
d. originate in the base of the aorta

35. The common passage for both food and air is the
a. esophagus
b. larynx
c. trachea
d. pharynx

36. On an ECG, which of these represents the depolarization of the ventricles?
a. P-Q interval
b. QRS complex
c. P wave
d. T wave

37. Chemicals secreted by white blood cells that reset the body’️s thermostat to a higher temperature are called
a. opsonins
b. interferons
c. pyrogens
d. histamine

38. Which of the following would NOT normally be found in the urine?
a. urea
b. ammonia
c. creatine
d. hemoglobin

39. The substance released by platelets which causes blood vessels to go into spasms is
a. erythropoietin
b. interleukin
c. serotonin
d. collagen

40. A nephron with a loop of Henle that dips into the medulla is called?
a. juxtamedullary nephron
b. distal nephron
c. cortical nephron
d. proximal nephron

41. If one didn’️t know a patient’️s ABO blood group and immediate transfusion was critical, the safest type to give the patient would be
a. O-
b. B-
c. A+
d. AB+

42. What is the liquid portion of the blood called?
a. serum
b. plasma
c. interstitial fluid
d. lymph

43. What hormone best prepares the breast for milk production?
a. LH
b. progesterone
c. FSH
d. estrogen

44. A primary function of lymphocytes is to
a. release substances that initiate blood coagulation
b. phagocytize damaged cells
c. produce enzymes that dissolve blood clots
d. act against foreign antigens entering the body

45. Which of these is true about the cardiovascular system?
a. pulmonary arteries carry oxygenated blood to the lungs from the right heart
b. all heart muscle cells are capable of spontaneous contraction
c. the SA node is the pacemaker of the heart because it has the fastest rate of spontaneous depolarization
d. in early diastole the ventricles begin to contract

46. A group of similar cells which share a common function is a(n)
a. tissue
b. organ system
c. organ
d. cell complex

47. The terms visceral, nonstriated, and involuntary best describe
a. skeletal muscle
b. smooth muscle
c. tendons
d. cardiac muscle

48. Which of these is the correct pairing of terms?
a. buccal-buttock
b. tarsal-ankle
c. antecubital-knee
d. axillary-thigh

49. The auditory tubes drain into the
a. oropharynx
b. nasopharynx
c. larynx
d. laryngopharynx

50. Arteries have thicker walls than veins because
a. they have narrow lumens
b. their endothelial layer is thicker
c. they contain more smooth muscle
d. they have more connective tissue

51. What process is caused by antibodies that cause foreign cells to clump together?
a. neutralization
b. agglutination
c. opsonization
d. complement fixation

52. According to the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction
a. tendons push the muscle ends together which causes sarcomere shortening
b. calcium causes myosin heads to release from actin when contraction is over
c. thick filaments made of actin and myosin walk along cross bridges toward the center of the sarcomere
d. sarcomeres shorten when thin filaments move toward the center of the sarcomere

53. Isometric contraction occurs when sarcomeres do not shorten. An example of this is
a. a 100 pound boy trying to lift a refrigerator
b. swimming in saltwater
c. throwing a baseball
d. walking down a steep stairway carrying a 45 pound backpack

54. What causes blood to leave the heart?
a. atrial contraction
b. the action of atrioventricular valves
c. increasing pressure in the heart chambers
d. ventricular contraction

55. The smiling muscle is the
a. temporalis
b. buccinator
c. masseter
d. zygomaticus

56. The pancreatic duct and the bile duct both empty their contents into the
a. cecum
b. ileum
c. jejunum
d. duodenum

57. The large intestine primarily absorbs
a. fat
b. protein
c. mucus
d. water

58. Which is normally the most numerous leukocyte?
a. lymphocyte
b. neutrophil
c. eosinophil
d. basophil

59. Platelets are best described as
a. immature leukocytes
b. cellular fragments
c. giant, multinucleated cells
d. lymphoid cells

60. A bundle of muscle fibers or cells is called a(n)
a. striated muscle
b. aponeurosis
c. fascicle
d. myofilaments

61. The amount of air left in the lungs after a forced expiration is the
a. Total lung capacity
b. Vital capacity
c. Residual volume
d. Tidal volume

62. The passageways that convey urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the
a. renal calyces
b. urethras
c. ureters
d. renal pyramids

63. A clot which floats within the blood stream is known as a(n)
a. aneurysm
b. embolus
c. thrombus
d. thrombocyte

64. Which of the following is the correct sequence for inhaled air?
a. Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, alveoli, bronchioles
b. Nasal cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, alveoli
c. Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchioles, alveoli
d. Nasal cavity, larynx, pharynx, trachea, alveoli, bronchioles

65. The liver produces
a. digestive enzymes
b. insulin
c. bile
d. glucagon

66. At the veterinary clinic, Rufus (your cat) has his blood tested for feline parvirus as well as for a certain hormone, but neither the virus nor the hormone is present. Tasha, a pitbull terrier, breaks away from her owner and runs into the examination room. Your cat reacts, back arched, hair on end. If a sample of blood were taken now, which hormone would it show?
a. insulin
b. growth hormone (GH)
c. thyroxine
d. epinephrine

67. Hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands are called
a. hormone precursors
b. abiotic hormones
c. tropic hormones
d. synergist hormones

68. Which of the following is NOT associated with the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity?
a. Warming air
b. Filtering air
c. Exchanging oxygen between the air and blood
d. Humidifying the air

69. The functional unit of the kidney is the
a. nephron
b. ureter
c. calyces
d. glomerulus

70. A myocardial infarction
a. comes from having angina pectoris
b. usually occurs when the blood supply to the heart is increased
c. is the result of lack of oxygen to heart muscle cells
d. is the same as ischemia

71. Another name for childbirth is
a. parturition
b. dystocia
c. cryptorchidism
d. menarche

72. The inner mucosal layer of the uterus is the
a. myometrium
b. endometrium
c. epimetrium
d. fundus

73. Which of the following is an enzyme that is released in response to low blood pressure?
a. aldosterone
b. renin
c. ADH
d. erythropoetin

74. How many chromosomes are found in mature sperm?
a. 92
b. 46
c. 23
d. 69

75. The enterogastric reflexes
a. are controlled by hormonal activity
b. increase emptying of the stomach into the small intestine
c. inhibit the vagus nerves
d. tighten the ileocecal valve

76. Which of the following is NOT true about a steroid hormone?
a. it catalyzes a reaction that produces a second messenger
b. it binds to a receptor protein in the nucleus
c. it activates genes which leads to synthesis of new proteins
d. it travels in the blood to specific target cells

77. Inadequate delivery of oxygen to the body’️s tissues is called
a. hypoxia
b. eupnea
c. apnea
d. dyspnea

78. Urine formation is a result of all of the following except?
a. filtration
b. secretion
c. reabsorption
d. excretion

79. Starting from anatomical position, when the elbow is moved behind the body it is called
a. arm extension
b. abduction
c. rotation
d. arm flexion

80. The blood cells that are primarily responsible for immunity are
a. basophils
b. eosinophils
c. lymphocytes
d. monocytes

81. Which of the following is NOT true about hormones?
a. they are transported to target cells in the blood
b. they act as chemical messengers
c. they control body functions by altering cellular activity
d. they are produced by exocrine glands

82. What is the term for a small molecule (i.e., penicillin) that is not antigenic but can become antigenic when it binds to proteins in the body?
a. toxoid
b. kinin
c. hapten
d. opsonin

83. All of the following are true about nonsteroid hormones except
a. they activate genes which leads to synthesis of new proteins
b. they travel in the blood to specific target cells
c. they have receptor proteins located in the plasma membrane of their target cells
d. they are amino acid-based molecules

84. The chemical, released during an inflammatory reaction, that directly affects the blood vessels supplying the injured area is called
a. histamine
b. kallikrein
c. heparin
d. interferon

85. Which of these is a posterior landmark of the body?
a. carpal region
b. inguinal region
c. popliteal region
d. thoracic region

86. Parasympathetic stimulation to the heart
a. slows heart rate
b. increases cardiac output
c. increases heart rate
d. is similar to sympathetic stimulation

87. Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood mainly
a. bound to hemoglobin
b. carried by red blood cells
c. carried by white blood cells
d. as bicarbonate ions

88. Autoimmune disease
a. is what happens when your body is invaded by a virus for the second time
b. is what happens when your body loses the ability to identify self-antigens
c. is what happens when your antigens begin to act as antibodies thus destroying your tissues
d. is another name for AIDS

89. Which of the following is NOT a nerve plexus associated with the alimentary canal wall?
a. myenteric
b. submucosal
c. subserous
d. submuscularis

90. The endocrine system
a. secretes hormones which regulate processes within the body
b. returns leaked fluid to the blood stream
c. produces communicating chemicals involved in nerve impulses
d. provides a means of waste disposal

91. The heart is ___ to the sternum.
a. deep
b. superior
c. superficial
d. anterior

92. The _____ protects the superior opening of the larynx.
a. palate
b. epiglottis
c. uvula
d. septum

93. Which of the following arises from the ectoderm?
a. skeletal system
b. glands
c. circulatory system
d. nervous system

94. Which of the following is false?
a. The heart is located medial to both lungs
b. The esophagus is anterior to the trachea
c. The parietal pleura is outside the visceral pleura
d. The diaphragm is inferior to the lungs

95. Which of the following is not a subdivision of the small intestine?
a. jejunum
b. duodenum
c. cecum
d. ileum

96. Which of the following is a common passage for food and air?
a. Trachea
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Larynx

97. The Circle of Willis takes blood to the
a. heart
b. liver
c. brain
d. shoulder

98. The large phagocytic cells housed in the lymph nodes and elsewhere in the body that engulf and destroy bacteria and other foreign substances are
a. B cells
b. lymphocytes
c. macrophages
d. natural killer cells

99. Which of these is correct?
a. the sarcoplasmic reticulum stores acetylcholine
b. myosin cross bridges contain calcium binding sites
c. actin and regulatory proteins are located in thin filaments
d. Z lines anchor myosin thick filaments to the ends of the sarcomere

100. ___ serve(s) as the structural basis of steroid hormones in the body.
a. cholesterol
b. triglycerides
c. phospholipids
d. lipoproteins

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عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

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