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 Questions (short essay and MCQs) with their answers on female reproductive physiology by dr Khaled A Abulfadle

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

Questions (short essay and MCQs) with their answers on female reproductive physiology by dr Khaled A Abulfadle Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Questions (short essay and MCQs) with their answers on female reproductive physiology by dr Khaled A Abulfadle   Questions (short essay and MCQs) with their answers on female reproductive physiology by dr Khaled A Abulfadle Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 29, 2011 6:40 pm


1-Possible mechanisms of normal growth include………………………….

2-Factors affecting normal growth include ……………………

3-Placental hormones include ………………….

4-The main hormones controlling growth include ……………

5- Men who were castrated before puberty tend to be ……….. because……………….

6-Changes in female uterus during pregnancy include……………

7-Cutaneous changes in female during pregnancy include…………………..

8-Milk formation is stimulated by ……………while, milk ejection is stimulated by ………….

9-Placental hormones include ……………….

10-Functions of HCG include ………….

11-Functions of placental progesterone include……………

12-Milk ejection reflex…………………………

13-Physiological changes occurring during pregnancy include …………

14-Insulin resistance during pregnancy is due to ………………….

15-Follicular phase of ovarian cycle is controlled by……………………

16-Mechanism of ovulation ………………………………


1-Normal growth involves all of the following except……………….
a-increase in length.
c-maturational changes.
d-positive nitrogen balance.
e-normal physiological functions.

2-Appositional growth of bones means……………
a-increase in bone length.
b-decrease in bone length.
c-increase in bone thickness.
d-decrease in bone thickness.
e-increase bone resorption.

3-When a part of the liver is removed, the remaining part will grow by………….
a-appositional growth.
c-linear growth.

4- Halima is 26 years old. She has been married for five years. For contraception, she has used an oral contraceptive (the pill) until two years ago. She and her husband then decided they wanted to start a family. Since coming off the pill, her periods have become quite irregular and unpredictable, and sometimes she has not had one for two to three months. She is happily married and has a steady job that she likes, although it is occasionally stressful. Halima did some tests. These showed absence of ovulation.

i- Estimation of …………….hormone in urine is used as an indication of ovulation.
ii- Causes of anovulatory cycles include………………
iii- Corpus luteum hormones include all of the following except….,.
iv- If pregnancy occurs corpus luteum is maintained by ………………..
v-LH surge is an example of positive feedback mechanism. Explain?

5-Menstrual blood is not characterized by………………
a-it is mostly arterial.
b-originates mainly from stratum functionale.
c-its normal averaged volume is 250 ml.
d-it contains tissue debris and prostaglandins.
e-it does not normally contain clot.

6-The menstrual cycle is calculated from …….……..
a-the 1st day of bleeding.
b-the last day of bleeding.
c-the time of ovulation.
d-two days before ovulation.
e- two days after ovulation.

7- Early in the ovarian cycle, estrogen produced in the follicle ……….. gonadotropin release, while later in the cycle, estrogen ………….. gonadotropin release because……………
a- inhibits; stimulates; feedback mechanisms are not involved early in the ovarian cycle.
b- stimulates; inhibits; feedback mechanisms are not involved early in the ovarian cycle.
c- inhibits; stimulates; the feedback mechanisms are dependent on the concentration of estrogen.
d- stimulates; inhibits; the feedback mechanisms are dependent on the concentration of estrogen.
e- None of the above.

8- At what stage of the ovarian cycle are mammalian eggs most likely to become fertilized?
a- at the beginning of the proliferative phase.
b- immediately after ovulation.
c- during the middle of the secretory phase.
d- early part the menstrual phase.
e- late part of menstrual phase.

9- If we could monitor the amount of total gonadotropin activity in pregnant women, we would expect……….
a- high levels of FSH and LH in the uterus to stimulate endometrial thickening.
b- high levels of circulating FSH and LH to stimulate implantation of the embryo.
c- high levels of hCG in the uterus to stimulate endometrial thickening.
d- high levels of circulating hCG to stimulate estrogen and progesterone synthesis.
e- both b and c.

10- What is menopause?
a- The absence of menstrual periods during pregnancy.
b- Cessation of menstrual periods caused by low body weight.
c- Cessation of menstrual periods caused by too much exercise.
d- When a woman has stopped having periods.
e- The absence of menstrual periods during taking contraceptives.

11- Which of the following is true for hormones of the female?
a- FSH stimulates follicle growth and estrogen release.
b- rising estrogen levels trigger a sudden surge in LH levels which causes ovulation.
c- progesterone is important in formation of the cervical plug.
d- estrogen is beneficial in reducing total cholesterol levels and maintaining bone Ca++ stores.
e- all of the above.

12-When evaluating BP in pregnant woman at 24 weeks gestation, the nurse practitioner can anticipate that the BP will……………….
a-decrease gradually until term.
b-be at its highest point during the second trimester.
c-remain stable within prepregnancy values.
d-be at its lowest point during the second trimester.
e-none of the above.

13- Total female weight gain during pregnancy is……………
a-2-5 kg.
b-6-8 kg.
c-11-15 kg.
d-17-20 kg.
e-21-23 kg.

14- A normal pregnant woman asks how she should be gaining weight during pregnancy. The most appropriate response would be………………
a-5kg (first trimester), 1 kg (2nd trimester) and 5 kg (3rd trimester).
b-5kg (first trimester), 5 kg (2nd trimester) and 1 kg (3rd trimester).
c-5kg (first trimester), 5 kg (2nd trimester) and 5 kg (3rd trimester).
d-8kg (first trimester), 2 kg (2nd trimester) and 3 kg (3rd trimester).
e-1kg (first trimester), 5 kg (2nd trimester) and 5 kg (3rd trimester).

15-The physiological basis for pseudoanemia in pregnancy is……………….
a- there is an increase in plasma volume while RBCs count decreases.
b- there is an increase in plasma volume while RBCs count does not increase.
c- there is a decrease in RBCs resulting in decreased oxygen carrying capacity.
d- there is an increase in both RBCs and plasma with plasma increasing at greater proportion.
e- there is an increase in RBCs count while plasma volume decreases.

16- Which hormone is secreted by the placenta after 12th week gestation and is primarily responsible for maintenance of the pregnancy?
a- Progestrone.
b- prolactin.
c- Estrogen.
d- bHCG.
e- testosterone.

17-Which hormone produced by the placenta causes the mother's pubic symphysis to loosen and widen?
a- Estrogen.
b- FSH.
c- Progesterone.
d- hCG.
e- Relaxin.


[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

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Questions (short essay and MCQs) with their answers on female reproductive physiology by dr Khaled A Abulfadle
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