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 some central nervous system MCQs with answers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

some central nervous system MCQs with answers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: some central nervous system MCQs with answers   some central nervous system MCQs with answers Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 11, 2010 10:56 am

1- The Precentral gyrus is:
a- a sensory area
b- represent the body upside down
c- it is found in the parietal lobe
d- it controls the movement in the same side of the body
e- it controls the autonomic center

2- The temporal lobe:
a- it lies posterior to the longitudinal sulcus
b- it lies below the lateral sulcus
c- it lies behind the central sulcus
d- it contains the vision center
e- it is part of the corpus collusum

3- The Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP):
a- it is propagated through the nerve fiber
b- a single (EPSP) in one neuron can produce an AP
c- is produced by K efflux
d- it is a local response on the cell membrane
e- cannot be summated

4- The most common synapse found in the cortex & spinal cord is:
a- Axo-axonal
b- Axo-somatic
c- Dendro-dendritic
d- Axo-dendritic
e- Non of the above

5- phenylalanine is the precursor of:
b- Dopamine
c- Ach
d- Glutamate
e- Serotonin

6- Acetylcholine:
a- works through alpha & beta receptor
b- is made of choline & acetate
c- mediate pain in spinal cord
d- its precursor is phenylalanine
e- is degraded by anticholine esterase

7- Dopamine:
a- is a catecholamine
b- is an excitatory transmitter
c- its precursor is tryptophan
d- its increase cause parkinsonism

8- The intensity discrimination depends on:
a- number of synapses
b- frequency of AP reaching the cortex
c- discrete pathway for each sensation
d- specific area in CNS for each stimulus

9- Which one of the following is a cutanous receptor:
a- golgi tendon
b- muscle spindle
c- pacinian corpuscle

10- Adaptation depends on:
a- neuron
b- receptors
c- presynaptic membrane
d- tracts
e- neurotransmitter


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عدل سابقا من قبل Admin في الخميس نوفمبر 11, 2010 12:07 pm عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

some central nervous system MCQs with answers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: some central nervous system MCQs with answers   some central nervous system MCQs with answers Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 11, 2010 11:46 am


1- Regarding cerebellum which statement is FULSE:
a- it lies within the posterior cranial fossa
b- it is connected to the pons by middle cerebellar peduncles
c- it has outer thick layer of white matter (cerebrallar cortex)
d- it is for control voluntary movement, muscle tone & equilibrium
e- it consists of 2 hemispheres connected by a median portion, the Vermis

2- the brain stem involve:
a- Medulla oblongata, pons & cerebellum
b- Medulla oblongata, pons & midbrain
c- Medulla oblongata, pons & diencephalons
d- Medulla oblongata, pons & cerebrum
e- Forbrain, midbrain & hindbrain

3- regarding Excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) all statements are true EXCEPT:
a- it is not action potential
b- it is graded or local response
c- cannot be summated
d- it is due to increase influx of Na+ at postsynaptic membrane
e- if it large enough to reach firing level it can produce AP

4- synaptic delay depend on:
a- number of receptor
b- increase number of receptor
c- less convergence of neurons
d- number of synapses
e- maximum time for transmission across presynaptic neuron

5- regarding DIRECT inhibition:
a- called pre-synaptic inhibition
b- GABA is an example of it
c- glycine is the neurotransmitter
d- the inhibition is produced due to Cl efflux
e- inhibition of antagonist

6- GABA is:
a- the major excitatory neurotransmitter
b- decreased by valium
c- secreted by nerve terminal in retina
d- the neurotransmitter for direct inhibition
e- excitatory in CNS & inhibitory in heart

7- the main function of Dopamine is:
a- increase muscle tone
b- decrease muscle tone
c- control mood, sleep & food
d- control memory & learning
e- cause direct inhibition

8- Alzheimer disease caused by:
a- increase Ach
b- decrease Ach
c- increase norepinephrin
d- decrease dopamine
e- non of above

9- regarding Wirnick's:
a- it play important role in speech & language
b- it is for equilibrium
c- it control respiration & PH
d- control ADH release
e- control muscle tone

10- which one is NOT correctly paired:
a- Glutamate & AMPA receptor
b- Lateral inhibition & discrimination
c- One way conduction & number of vesicles
d- +ve inside cell & inhibition
e- Repetitive impulse & AP


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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 9586
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2009

some central nervous system MCQs with answers Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: some central nervous system MCQs with answers   some central nervous system MCQs with answers Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 11, 2010 11:59 am


1- Which of the following is not a part of brain stem?
a- midbrain
b- thalamus
c- pons
d- medulla

2- Which of the following determines the nature of synaptic transmission?
a- neurotransmitter
b- G-protein
c- Receptor
d- Medulla

3- The fast EPSP that is produced in a synapse:
a- is usually in the form of depolarization of pre-synaptic neuron
b- is due to the change in the membrane potential towards the equilibrium potential for chloride
c- has fast conduction
d- increases excitability of the nerve cell by quickly reaching the firing level

4- Which of the following is an example of proprioceptor?
a- pacinian corpuscle
b- hair cells of vestibular organs
c- A- delta nerve ending
d- Stretch receptor (muscle spindle)

5- concerning receptors:
a- all receptors respond to same adequate stimulus
b- all receptors adapt slowly
c- all receptors convert any form of energy to electrical energy
d- all receptors have more or less equal receptive field


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some central nervous system MCQs with answers
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